PERIODONTAL and HYgiene Services

Gum Disease and bleeding gums can lead to a variety of problems such as bone loss, gum recession and bad breath.
Maintenance is important but as always prevention is better than the cure.

We recommend regular hygiene appointments as well as flossing everyday.


Existing Patients, Dental Plan Patients and New Patients Welcome!

Gum Health!

Education and encouraging good oral hygiene habits are vital for long lasting healthy smiles. This is key to prevention of dental decay, ensuring we have a healthy mouth for a lifetime. Together with our dental therapist, we aim to help you to stabilise and improve your gum health, as long as provide effective strategies to maintain your periodontal health.

It is important to attend regularly for hygiene appointments.

For patients with stable gums this would be Every 6 Months

For patients with underlying gum problems this would be Every 3 Month

Sadly there is no substitute for Flossing Every Night! As this will make the biggest impact and improvement on your gum health!

What if I am not a Patient at 1 Smile?

We offer a Direct Access Service to the Dental Therapist at 1 Smile for your periodontal and cleaning needs.

Contact the reception team - 0141 237 2080


Complete the Contact form and we will contact you to organise a Direct Access Appointment.



Contact Form

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